


Our generation is struggling to access property ownership. Most believe we will never be able to afford a house without hereditary and high salary. Sydney is available land within the inner suburbs in the actual construction model, and the population is forced to move further west more and more. Most of the young professionals want to live where they grew up, where their family and friends live and close to their work in order to get the lifestyle they love.

Since I moved to Sydney in 2007, the property market has significantly changed and always been trying to think what I can do to afford a property with my family without actually living under the same roof. I realised there is land waste and footprint in Sydney suburbs that could be use. We must try to infill those lands to help affordability and average incomes, instead of going in mortgage debt for 30 years.

We see an opportunity in which we can fill small unused spaces to provide smart and small designs to the average Australian, at affordable price. Edward Rosier and I created BACKSPACE because we believe that everyone deserves a well-designed place to call their own and we see opportunity to fill the space available in our inner-city suburbs.


BACKSPACE presents a unique business model and it is our aim to disrupt the traditional model for the procurement of architectural services, whilst at the same time creating a marketplace for land sharing.

BACKSPACE Architecture

Here at BACKSPACE we believe in Architecture. Our two founders are both Architectural graduates, but we understand that not everybody can afford to use one. Only 1.5% of the Australian population use architects, which is an extremely small percentage. There are a number of factors that contribute to this, including the fact that most people can never afford to build there own home, so they never require the services of an Architect. However, it is clear that most people consider using an architect to be something for the elite few.

BACKSPACE aims to give even those with the smallest of budgets access to architectural design. Our initial focus is on accessory dwellings or granny flats, but we like to call them Micro-Homes. Users of BACKSPACE will be able to select from a small number of pre-designed Micro-Homes and overlay this on to a Google map plan of their property. From there they will be able to print of a set of plans, elevations, sections, and typical building details. They can take these plans to their selected builder to have the certified under the Affordable Housing Complying Development Code, or if they choose, they can have BACKSPACE prepared their CDC documentation.

In addition to this, we want to give people the chance to create their own home with our modular customisable engine. Our clients will be able to use a series of our architecturally designed modules and combine them in a way to suit their needs and desires. They will then be able to print out a full drawing set to take to their builders.

Our designs, or our customers designs, will be overlaid on our mapping engine. This is where our users can input their address and our engine will bring up a Google image of their property and then overlay the existing planning controls. This will leave them with the permitted building area and envelope. From here they can select and place their micro-home on the site and then print out their drawing set.

As an additional service to complement the Micro-Home designs, for an additional cost, BACKSPACE can:

  • Customise designs

  • Do a site-check for difficult sites.

  • Prepare a full set of drawing ready for a Complying Development Certification (CDC).

  • Standard construction details.

  • Joinery details.

  • Meeting or phone call with one of our architects.

  • Sustainable design options including: Solar Panels

  • Solar Batteries

  • Rain Harvesting System

  • Skylight

  • Passive House






Our marketplace, BACKSPACE CONNECT, is where we hope to make the biggest impact in the housing affordability sector. With city land prices out of reach for the average Australian we need more creative ways to house our population. There is a lot of left over space in our cities, backyards that don’t get used, or get used sparingly, that are going to waste. Our plan is to connect people with available space in their backyards with people who are looking for land.

BACKSPACE hopes to do this in the following ways:

Standard Leasing Arrangement: This is where those with an existing Micro-Home (Granny Flat) can advertise their property on our site to let out to a tenant.

Micro-Home Builder and Standard Leasing Arrangement: Here a landowner comes to BACKSPACE, uses one of our designs to build a Micro-Home and then uses BACKSPACE to lease it out.

Land Sharing: BACKSPACE connects those who have land, but can’t afford to build a Micro-Home with those who can afford to build, but can’t afford any land to build on. Here we facilitate an arrangement where a tenant enters a long-term lease for the backyard and builds their own Micro-Home. The Micro-Home is then designed so that it can be moved at a later date using a crane. This is the most complex part of our business and will require the right legal framework to be successful,however our early discussions with Lawyers have made it clear that this model is possible.

Shared-Development: This arrangement is where BACKSPACE teams up with landowners who can’t afford to build. BACKSPACE designs and builds the granny flat, and then takes a cut out of the leasing fees to recoup the cost. BACKSPACE then advertises the Micro-Home for lease. Upon selling, the landowner must pay back any outstanding amount. In the future, BACKSPACE sees an expansion of Connect to include additional ways to bring people together, especially for those who aren’t prepared to have other live full time in their backyards.

Garden Space: This is an option for those who have a backyard that they don’t use, but are willing to lease it out on a part time basis, they may not be prepared to have someone build and live on their land, but area happy to share it. On the other side it is the perfect solution for those living in apartments or other types of dwellings where they do not have access to a backyard, but they love to garden.

Shed: This is an option for those who have a shed that they can lease out to others who are looking for a place to put their tools and make things. There are so many sheds out there that are sitting full of cobwebs and tools doing nothing. This would give apartment dwellers and others the chance to have a space where they enjoy their hobby in a safe and secure environment.

Work: We see this as an expansion of the shared workplace. A landowner can build a pavilion that caters for 2-4 working desks that can be rented out to professionals looking for an affordable office space. This option can allow the owner to lease a desk or lease the whole building. BACKSPACE will have a future design ‘YAKKA’ to cater for this market. Our website is hoping to circumvent the traditional land sale and purchase model. We hope to create a new economy of land-sharing and at the same time create additional revenue streams for those who already own land.
